


We are in the process of developing some new websites so here is a list of them as well as our established line of products and services websites.

Spandex DJ Supply
Spandex Catering Supply
Spandex Music Supply
Spandex Hotel Supply
LED Shout Out
Absolutely Fabulous Events
Neon USA
Spandex USA
Truss Covers USA
Truss Covers
Special Event Black List
Round Beach Towels
Great Party Props
Thats Cool Events

I hope you will find many ideas that appeal to  your sense of style and taste.  Please call us and let us help make your next event...Absolutely Fabulous!

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Bernie Gaps


Spandex USA Absolutely Fabulous! Events and Productions, Inc.
Based in Southern California providing NATIONWIDE service

Bernie Gaps, Owner

Web/CD design and development by:an ed orcutt development